PIL - Planning Interiors Limited
PIL stands for Planning Interiors Limited
Here you will find, what does PIL stand for in Firm under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Planning Interiors Limited? Planning Interiors Limited can be abbreviated as PIL What does PIL stand for? PIL stands for Planning Interiors Limited. What does Planning Interiors Limited mean?The architecture & planning business firm is located in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
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Alternative definitions of PIL
- Public Interest Litigation
- Public Image Limited
- Python Image Library
- Pilar, Paraguay
- Pirch Interpreted Language
- Preferred Items List
- Platform Independence Layer
- Pleasure Island Limited
View 184 other definitions of PIL on the main acronym page
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- PEH Pulse Energy Highlanders
- PCAP Prime Choice Auto Parts
- PTCPI PT. Central Plotter Indonesia
- PLL Paras Lubricants Limited
- PSB Progressive Savings Bank
- PJML PJ Margo Ltd
- PG The Pelican Group
- PC The Plaza Companies
- PEP Programs Employing People
- PLK Pathologists Lancet Kenya
- PSM Pacific Standard Magazine
- PET Psychosynthesis and Education Trust
- PG The Paradigm Group
- PMS Pick My Solar
- PCSE Polk County Supervisor of Elections